Pray For Establishment Of 24 Hour Worship Centers
24/7 Worship Builds an Iron Dome over your land
Having a strong military and 24 hour worship centers across the nation is the key to keeping America (or any country for that matter) strong and protected from her enemies. Please do what you can in your own church to spread this praise and worship vision please. A presidential candidate, who is now president, told about his goal to build an iron dome (missile defense shield) over The U S of A. Now that he will be President, doing what I describe below will be easier.
If you do not have the facilities for 24/7 worship, then starting out in your church building with one Friday night per month dedicated to four to five hours of continuous praise and worship, and potentially adding on more Fridays per month later, would be very very pleasing to the Father. How do I know this? Read the whole web page on Extended Praise that will fly out if you hover over the page button titled Valuing God's Presence. Do that after you finish reading the page you are now on.
First of all, the example of 24/7 worship is both confirmed in the Scriptures of the Holy Bible, and is also confirmed in Heaven. As you read this whole page you will discover this truth and how the examples of prosperity, protection, and victory from the Holy Bible proves the value to God and to HIS people of having extended and sustained worship taking place.
Below you will read confirmation from Scripture about ancient Israel and their 24/7 worship services and why countries should follow the example of ancient Israel, and by doing so, facilitate the protection of God. It so pleases the heart of God to have 24/7 praise and worship. Please keep reading about the military victory that the nation of Israel enjoyed in the ancient days when they had praise and worship going up 24/7 as sweet incense in the nostrils of God. As you read below, you will discover the key to their success.
In 2 Chronicles 7:14 it reads: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (NIV) The counsel to "seek my face" means to seek the presence of the Lord. In my early Christian days I never heard teaching on how to seek the face of the Lord, but having Friday nights at your church set apart to seek the presence of the Lord dedicated to four or five hours of worship pleases the Lord greatly, and God can build an iron dome over any country of praise worshipers.
Those whom God has called into the ministry of praise and worship are encouraged to pray for the establishment of 24 hour worship and praise centers that would operate seven days a week. This kind of worship gives God the glory and honor due his name. The benefits of such worship is the key to the survival of America as seen in the history of 24 / 7 worship in the nation of Israel below. It is time to stop the McDonald's type fast food worship that is taking place across the nation of America. Time to stop centering the church around the pastor and instead: put the presence of the Lord at the center of the church service.
1 Samuel 17:47: ”All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord's, and he will give all of you into our hands.”" and 2 Chronicles 20:21-22: ".... Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord and to praise him for the splendor of His holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying: “Give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures forever. As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.
QUOTE: "From a purely historical standpoint, Israel prospered economically and militarily, and was provided for by the Lord in a never-ending display, so long as praise and worship went forth unhampered and unhindered. During the forty years of David's reign, Israel never lost a battle. David took territories and dominions which had been promised to Abraham, and commanded to Moses and Joshua, but never attained by any leader in Israel's history to that time.
He subdued the last of the Hittites, and eradicated the remaining traces of other nations which had contaminated Israel with their co-habitation. The Jebusites, which had occupied Jerusalem since Shem's death, were subdued and destroyed; and David purchased from Ornan, the Jebusite, both the hill, and the threshing floor as the site of the temple which would later be built. He refused to take as a gift, or recognize Ornan (whose title was Araunah, or “Lord King”) as a king, or his equal, even though Ornan was the last of the Jebusite rulers.
Never before in history had a people prospered as they did with continual praise and worship going forth. Israel saw its land produce agriculturally and yield an abundance such as never had been seen. The surrounding nations turned to Israel for leadership. Kings, who before times had been constant enemies and invaded the cities of Israel, sought after peace treaties. The Philistines, who had invaded the land with their armies for hundreds of years, were decimated militarily, and were unable to so much as raise an army against Israel (or anyone else, for that matter) for more than three hundred years.
The picture of Moab, Ammon and Syria was similar. Each time they came against David, and against Israel, they were defeated. In each case, after their third incursion, the defeat was so great that they were unable to raise an army capable of offensive action for some fifty years. The Moabites, the Ammonites and the Syrians all became servant to David.
For the first time in Israel’s history, the nation had the Lord God as its focus. The nation as a whole served God. Idols were demolished. Places of heathen worship were destroyed. Israel as a nation developed more of a relationship with the Lord than it had ever seen since the days of Moses and Joshua.
God’s people prospered as they had never prospered.
This pattern and picture continued throughout the reign of Solomon, who saw an expanded ministry of praise and worship. One of David's last acts as King was to increase the number of families who ministered to the Lord under the direction of Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun. Twelve people were chosen from each of twenty-four families, making a total contingent of 288 worshipers, twelve for each hour of the day and night, around the clock (see I Chronicles 25).
The ministries of Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun were enhanced at this point. Their families were commanded to begin prophesying on and with musical instruments.
During the forty years that Solomon sat on the throne, Israel reached the zenith of its power and influence in the world. The nation had prospered during David's years, and now saw such wealth and abundance as would stagger the world's imagination for centuries, and even milennia, after Solomon's death. With praise and worship going forth unhampered and unhindered for eighty continuous years, the Lord did for Israel what they could never accomplish in the natural. Battles were fought in the heavenlies in the midst of praise and worship and spiritual foes defeated. Having been fought in the heavenlies, the outcome of the earthly battles was a foregone conclusion. When the people ministered unto the Lord, He ministered unto them, provided for them, fought their battles and filled every conceivable need.
Rehoboam, Solomon's son, did not see the connection between the worshipers and Israel's might and prosperity, and after the counsel of some self-seeking politicians three years into his reign, he abandoned the ministry of praise and worship and sent the worshipers packing. No sooner had he done so when Jeroboam came out of Egypt, gained the favor of ten tribes and split the nation of Israel with civil war.
Israel soon became prey to its former enemies and lost its dominion in the world from that day forward. Never again would a unified nation of Israel see the power and glory that had been theirs. Never again would they see the provision of God in such manner as He had displayed during the eighty years of David and Solomon -- and nearly eighty years of continuous praise and worship.
Only four more times in the nation's history (and that only with the descendants of David who sat on the throne of Judah) did kings arise who remembered what God had done when praise and worship went forth in ministry to Him continuously. Jehoshaphat was the first to remember, and the Lord gave him victory in the midst of an impossible battle with peace and prosperity during the last seven years of his reign -- a seven-year period in which praise and worship went forth continually.
Fifteen years after Jehoshaphat's death (a period of time in which there had been no ministry of worship to the Lord), after Jehoram's eight years of war, Ahaziah's conspiracy and death at the hands of Jehu after one year on the throne, and six years under Athaliah (Ahaziah's mother), Jehoiada, the high priest, took a very young Joash, crowned him king, put Athaliah and her Baal-worshippers to death, and reappointed the descendants of Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun to the ministry of praise and worship unto the Lord.
For the first thirty-nine years of Joash's reign, praise and worship went forth as it had in the days of David and Solomon. For thirty-nine years, the nation of Judah prospered as it had in the days of David. Joash was able to throw off the yoke of his enemies, and ruled with freedom and authority in the land. At the end of the thirty-ninth year of Joash's reign, Jehoiada died, and there came a flood of self-seeking soothsayers currying Joash's favor. He succumbed to their words and enticements, abandoned the ministry of praise and worship, and dismissed the families of Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun. Immediately, he was beset by war; and a year later, he was assassinated by his own servants.
For 112 years, the nation of Judah went through periods of war, famine, occasional prosperity and subsequent decline, politically, economically, militarily, and -- most of all -- spiritually. Not until Hezekiah came to the throne was the ministry of praise and worship reestablished. In his first year as king, Hezekiah reappointed the descendants of Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun to the ministry of praise and worship. For twenty-nine years this ministry went forth unhampered and unhindered. Hezekiah came to such prominence that even the kings of Israel honored him. He shook off, once again, the yoke of bondage from the surrounding nations. The nation prospered as it had in the days of David and Solomon, saw victory over its enemies and saw a peace such as it had not seen in more than two hundred years.
During Hezekiah’s reign, the scion of a wealthy family came to prominence. He had already served for a time as a governor in the land, and (although he had already begun prophesying in the time of Hezekiah’s father and grandfather and great-grandfather) came to be recognized internationally as a prophet among prophets. During this time of such praise and worship going forth, he saw such visions as no prophet before or after him, and drew pictures of the coming Messiah and Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, in words which would forever etch themselves in the minds of God’s people. That prophet's name was Isaiah.
Only one more time in Judah's history did a king come to power that saw the pattern of praise and worship, who reappointed the families of Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun to minister unto the Lord. Fifty-seven years after Hezekiah's death -- a period in which Judah had become a vassal-state to Assyria and Babylon -- Josiah came to the throne. In the eighteenth year of his reign, Josiah repaired the temple in Jerusalem and reappointed the worshipers to minister before the Lord continually. History tells us that Ephraim and Manasseh, and Simeon and Naphtali, four of the tribes of Israel, joined with Judah during Josiah's reign to worship the Lord. For the next twelve years, they saw peace, prosperity, the provision of God, and victory over their enemies.
For reasons that seem to escape me, God's people have not learned this lesson. More than that, those who have served in places of responsibility and leadership seem to think that it’s okay to call their hymn-singing, song-singing, scripture-choruses and preaching, "worship." It is not worship! They wonder why there is such a struggle to see things happen. They wonder why there is no provision of God. They wonder where the miracles went. They wonder why there is such "backsliding" among the people and why people's relationship with God is like a yo-yo.
Let me be clear. I’m not saying that folks can’t or don’t worship while they sing their songs. What I’m saying is that their singing has become a tradition that more often than not loses the focus of worship. Folks sing the right words, they say the right things, they pray the right things, but the spirit of worship is missing. There is no heart of intimacy and love being expressed in the Spirit.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been frustrated going into churches and listening to the praise or worship leader sing these wonderful songs, get everyone hyped and excited and joyful, and then drop the ball. They lead up to worship, but the “know-how” to worship seems to be missing. Sometimes they will sing songs, Scripture choruses, or whatever, that really can lead folks into worship, and folks get right to the edge of entering into the presence of the Lord.
Then they stop, and everyone sits down, and the preacher gets up to preach his message. AND THE HEART OF THE LORD NEVER GETS FULFILLED!!
In some of the Coffee Breaks published over the past few years, I’ve shared some of the experiences that Della and I had when we were in Post Falls, Idaho, Spokane, Washington, Red Deer and Cochrane Alberta, as well as in Anchorage when we gathered together with other folks for the specific purpose of ministering to the Lord. We came together for no other reason than to see that the Lord received His due in the realm of praise and worship. The things that took place were nothing less than dramatic.
But I’m getting ahead of myself.
The picture I’ve just shared with you of praise and worship that began with David is something that became a vision in my spirit. It began when I was still at Long Beach Christian Center back in the mid-1970’s, and it has grown from that time.
The essence of the vision was to develop a modern-day center of praise and worship that would grow into a 24-hour operation, with praisers and worshipers, singers and musicians ministering to the Lord in much the same way that David established beginning with Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun. I foresaw the day when we would have families of worshipers who would become full-time employees of this ministry. Their lives would be given over entirely to this ministry. They would not need to seek outside employment in order to make ends meet; their needs would be met through the ministry itself." END OF QUOTE The text in quotes above was taken from this website:
HWRM has been in contact with the late Pastor Regner Capener who wrote the informative article in quotes that you just read above, and gave me permission to post it on this website, and HWRM shares his vision of 24 hour worship centers that would operate seven days a week. Please pray that these can become a reality. We are so extremely tired of the McDonald's type fast food worship services that take place across the United States .
We as a ministry pray that continuous worship and praise would be offered up to the Most High continuously. Having a strong military and 24 hour worship centers across the nation is the key to keeping America (or any country for that matter) strong and protected from her enemies. Please do what you can in your own church to spread this worship vision please.
If you do not have the facilities for 24/7 worship, then starting out in your church building with one Friday night per month dedicated to four to five hours of continuous praise and worship, and potentially adding on more Fridays per month later, would be very very pleasing to the Father. How do I know this? Read the whole web page on Extended Praise that will fly out if you hover over the page button titled Valuing God's Presence. Do that after you finish reading the page you are now on.
First of all, the example of 24/7 worship is both confirmed in the Scriptures of the Holy Bible, and is also confirmed in Heaven. As you read this whole page you will discover this truth and how the examples of prosperity, protection, and victory from the Holy Bible proves the value to God and to HIS people of having extended and sustained worship taking place.
Below you will read confirmation from Scripture about ancient Israel and their 24/7 worship services and why countries should follow the example of ancient Israel, and by doing so, facilitate the protection of God. It so pleases the heart of God to have 24/7 praise and worship. Please keep reading about the military victory that the nation of Israel enjoyed in the ancient days when they had praise and worship going up 24/7 as sweet incense in the nostrils of God. As you read below, you will discover the key to their success.
In 2 Chronicles 7:14 it reads: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (NIV) The counsel to "seek my face" means to seek the presence of the Lord. In my early Christian days I never heard teaching on how to seek the face of the Lord, but having Friday nights at your church set apart to seek the presence of the Lord dedicated to four or five hours of worship pleases the Lord greatly, and God can build an iron dome over any country of praise worshipers.
Those whom God has called into the ministry of praise and worship are encouraged to pray for the establishment of 24 hour worship and praise centers that would operate seven days a week. This kind of worship gives God the glory and honor due his name. The benefits of such worship is the key to the survival of America as seen in the history of 24 / 7 worship in the nation of Israel below. It is time to stop the McDonald's type fast food worship that is taking place across the nation of America. Time to stop centering the church around the pastor and instead: put the presence of the Lord at the center of the church service.
1 Samuel 17:47: ”All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord's, and he will give all of you into our hands.”" and 2 Chronicles 20:21-22: ".... Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord and to praise him for the splendor of His holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying: “Give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures forever. As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.
QUOTE: "From a purely historical standpoint, Israel prospered economically and militarily, and was provided for by the Lord in a never-ending display, so long as praise and worship went forth unhampered and unhindered. During the forty years of David's reign, Israel never lost a battle. David took territories and dominions which had been promised to Abraham, and commanded to Moses and Joshua, but never attained by any leader in Israel's history to that time.
He subdued the last of the Hittites, and eradicated the remaining traces of other nations which had contaminated Israel with their co-habitation. The Jebusites, which had occupied Jerusalem since Shem's death, were subdued and destroyed; and David purchased from Ornan, the Jebusite, both the hill, and the threshing floor as the site of the temple which would later be built. He refused to take as a gift, or recognize Ornan (whose title was Araunah, or “Lord King”) as a king, or his equal, even though Ornan was the last of the Jebusite rulers.
Never before in history had a people prospered as they did with continual praise and worship going forth. Israel saw its land produce agriculturally and yield an abundance such as never had been seen. The surrounding nations turned to Israel for leadership. Kings, who before times had been constant enemies and invaded the cities of Israel, sought after peace treaties. The Philistines, who had invaded the land with their armies for hundreds of years, were decimated militarily, and were unable to so much as raise an army against Israel (or anyone else, for that matter) for more than three hundred years.
The picture of Moab, Ammon and Syria was similar. Each time they came against David, and against Israel, they were defeated. In each case, after their third incursion, the defeat was so great that they were unable to raise an army capable of offensive action for some fifty years. The Moabites, the Ammonites and the Syrians all became servant to David.
For the first time in Israel’s history, the nation had the Lord God as its focus. The nation as a whole served God. Idols were demolished. Places of heathen worship were destroyed. Israel as a nation developed more of a relationship with the Lord than it had ever seen since the days of Moses and Joshua.
God’s people prospered as they had never prospered.
This pattern and picture continued throughout the reign of Solomon, who saw an expanded ministry of praise and worship. One of David's last acts as King was to increase the number of families who ministered to the Lord under the direction of Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun. Twelve people were chosen from each of twenty-four families, making a total contingent of 288 worshipers, twelve for each hour of the day and night, around the clock (see I Chronicles 25).
The ministries of Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun were enhanced at this point. Their families were commanded to begin prophesying on and with musical instruments.
During the forty years that Solomon sat on the throne, Israel reached the zenith of its power and influence in the world. The nation had prospered during David's years, and now saw such wealth and abundance as would stagger the world's imagination for centuries, and even milennia, after Solomon's death. With praise and worship going forth unhampered and unhindered for eighty continuous years, the Lord did for Israel what they could never accomplish in the natural. Battles were fought in the heavenlies in the midst of praise and worship and spiritual foes defeated. Having been fought in the heavenlies, the outcome of the earthly battles was a foregone conclusion. When the people ministered unto the Lord, He ministered unto them, provided for them, fought their battles and filled every conceivable need.
Rehoboam, Solomon's son, did not see the connection between the worshipers and Israel's might and prosperity, and after the counsel of some self-seeking politicians three years into his reign, he abandoned the ministry of praise and worship and sent the worshipers packing. No sooner had he done so when Jeroboam came out of Egypt, gained the favor of ten tribes and split the nation of Israel with civil war.
Israel soon became prey to its former enemies and lost its dominion in the world from that day forward. Never again would a unified nation of Israel see the power and glory that had been theirs. Never again would they see the provision of God in such manner as He had displayed during the eighty years of David and Solomon -- and nearly eighty years of continuous praise and worship.
Only four more times in the nation's history (and that only with the descendants of David who sat on the throne of Judah) did kings arise who remembered what God had done when praise and worship went forth in ministry to Him continuously. Jehoshaphat was the first to remember, and the Lord gave him victory in the midst of an impossible battle with peace and prosperity during the last seven years of his reign -- a seven-year period in which praise and worship went forth continually.
Fifteen years after Jehoshaphat's death (a period of time in which there had been no ministry of worship to the Lord), after Jehoram's eight years of war, Ahaziah's conspiracy and death at the hands of Jehu after one year on the throne, and six years under Athaliah (Ahaziah's mother), Jehoiada, the high priest, took a very young Joash, crowned him king, put Athaliah and her Baal-worshippers to death, and reappointed the descendants of Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun to the ministry of praise and worship unto the Lord.
For the first thirty-nine years of Joash's reign, praise and worship went forth as it had in the days of David and Solomon. For thirty-nine years, the nation of Judah prospered as it had in the days of David. Joash was able to throw off the yoke of his enemies, and ruled with freedom and authority in the land. At the end of the thirty-ninth year of Joash's reign, Jehoiada died, and there came a flood of self-seeking soothsayers currying Joash's favor. He succumbed to their words and enticements, abandoned the ministry of praise and worship, and dismissed the families of Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun. Immediately, he was beset by war; and a year later, he was assassinated by his own servants.
For 112 years, the nation of Judah went through periods of war, famine, occasional prosperity and subsequent decline, politically, economically, militarily, and -- most of all -- spiritually. Not until Hezekiah came to the throne was the ministry of praise and worship reestablished. In his first year as king, Hezekiah reappointed the descendants of Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun to the ministry of praise and worship. For twenty-nine years this ministry went forth unhampered and unhindered. Hezekiah came to such prominence that even the kings of Israel honored him. He shook off, once again, the yoke of bondage from the surrounding nations. The nation prospered as it had in the days of David and Solomon, saw victory over its enemies and saw a peace such as it had not seen in more than two hundred years.
During Hezekiah’s reign, the scion of a wealthy family came to prominence. He had already served for a time as a governor in the land, and (although he had already begun prophesying in the time of Hezekiah’s father and grandfather and great-grandfather) came to be recognized internationally as a prophet among prophets. During this time of such praise and worship going forth, he saw such visions as no prophet before or after him, and drew pictures of the coming Messiah and Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, in words which would forever etch themselves in the minds of God’s people. That prophet's name was Isaiah.
Only one more time in Judah's history did a king come to power that saw the pattern of praise and worship, who reappointed the families of Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun to minister unto the Lord. Fifty-seven years after Hezekiah's death -- a period in which Judah had become a vassal-state to Assyria and Babylon -- Josiah came to the throne. In the eighteenth year of his reign, Josiah repaired the temple in Jerusalem and reappointed the worshipers to minister before the Lord continually. History tells us that Ephraim and Manasseh, and Simeon and Naphtali, four of the tribes of Israel, joined with Judah during Josiah's reign to worship the Lord. For the next twelve years, they saw peace, prosperity, the provision of God, and victory over their enemies.
For reasons that seem to escape me, God's people have not learned this lesson. More than that, those who have served in places of responsibility and leadership seem to think that it’s okay to call their hymn-singing, song-singing, scripture-choruses and preaching, "worship." It is not worship! They wonder why there is such a struggle to see things happen. They wonder why there is no provision of God. They wonder where the miracles went. They wonder why there is such "backsliding" among the people and why people's relationship with God is like a yo-yo.
Let me be clear. I’m not saying that folks can’t or don’t worship while they sing their songs. What I’m saying is that their singing has become a tradition that more often than not loses the focus of worship. Folks sing the right words, they say the right things, they pray the right things, but the spirit of worship is missing. There is no heart of intimacy and love being expressed in the Spirit.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been frustrated going into churches and listening to the praise or worship leader sing these wonderful songs, get everyone hyped and excited and joyful, and then drop the ball. They lead up to worship, but the “know-how” to worship seems to be missing. Sometimes they will sing songs, Scripture choruses, or whatever, that really can lead folks into worship, and folks get right to the edge of entering into the presence of the Lord.
Then they stop, and everyone sits down, and the preacher gets up to preach his message. AND THE HEART OF THE LORD NEVER GETS FULFILLED!!
In some of the Coffee Breaks published over the past few years, I’ve shared some of the experiences that Della and I had when we were in Post Falls, Idaho, Spokane, Washington, Red Deer and Cochrane Alberta, as well as in Anchorage when we gathered together with other folks for the specific purpose of ministering to the Lord. We came together for no other reason than to see that the Lord received His due in the realm of praise and worship. The things that took place were nothing less than dramatic.
But I’m getting ahead of myself.
The picture I’ve just shared with you of praise and worship that began with David is something that became a vision in my spirit. It began when I was still at Long Beach Christian Center back in the mid-1970’s, and it has grown from that time.
The essence of the vision was to develop a modern-day center of praise and worship that would grow into a 24-hour operation, with praisers and worshipers, singers and musicians ministering to the Lord in much the same way that David established beginning with Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun. I foresaw the day when we would have families of worshipers who would become full-time employees of this ministry. Their lives would be given over entirely to this ministry. They would not need to seek outside employment in order to make ends meet; their needs would be met through the ministry itself." END OF QUOTE The text in quotes above was taken from this website:
HWRM has been in contact with the late Pastor Regner Capener who wrote the informative article in quotes that you just read above, and gave me permission to post it on this website, and HWRM shares his vision of 24 hour worship centers that would operate seven days a week. Please pray that these can become a reality. We are so extremely tired of the McDonald's type fast food worship services that take place across the United States .
We as a ministry pray that continuous worship and praise would be offered up to the Most High continuously. Having a strong military and 24 hour worship centers across the nation is the key to keeping America (or any country for that matter) strong and protected from her enemies. Please do what you can in your own church to spread this worship vision please.