Heaven's Worship Restoration Ministries
You can contact Heaven's Worship Restoration Ministries by clicking here, but why not learn more about it (read below) so that you understand it better before making contact? You will not find the founder's name on this website because he wants all glory to go to God and not man. If you are promoting this site his wish is to stay anonymous and make God famous. So many preachers are making themselves famous. I want no part in that. God is all.
How Did This Ministry Start?
How did this ministry start? Well, the founder of HWRM had been longing for a church with extended praise and worship. After attending a McDonalds type worship service for a number of years where the worship and praise time was served up on a plate of about 20 minutes each Sunday, the founder discovered a church assembly where the Sunday morning worship typically went on for sixty minutes and sometimes ninety minutes.
Here was the kind of church he had been longing for that placed the presence of God in the center of Sunday morning worship and extended the time spent worshiping and praising the Most High. This was so unlike most churches where the pastor and his sermon are looked forward to and placed in the center of the worship service thus robbing God of the extended time seeking HIS FACE ( his presence ) through worship and praise.
Sid Roth host of the TV show IT'S SUPERNATURAL, was interviewing a man of God who had a conversation with an angel that visited him. In this conversation the angel told him and I quote the exact words the angel spoke to him: THE ANGELS CRY WHEN WORSHIP IS CUT SHORT. This also confirmed the conviction in my heart that extended worship and praise should be the norm in churches so that extended time becomes normal time for worship.
So one of the goals of Heaven's Worship Restoration Ministries is to encourage churches to extend their worship time and place hosting the presence of God at the center of the church service. As Paul said: The Kingdom of God is not a matter of words but of power. The power comes through HIS presence. So pastors, I encourage you to shorten your sermons and cultivate the presence of God through extended worship and praise.
At this church of extended worship and praise, the founder continued his inner passion for more of God and because the praise and worship time was adequate, the adequate amount of time in worship and praise allowed him to be led by the Holy Spirit in developing creative praise expressions with his body. But an observation of someone waving their arms in worship praise during a church service planted the seed in the founder's heart .
Using the arms and hands in creative expressions to God became the norm besides having his legs and feet ignited by the Holy Spirit in a simple dance step to the Most High. This creativity continued to develop and became the norm for him in corporate worship and praise. When he was on the worship stage team it was more subdued, but when he was worshiping within the congregation, it could reach its fullness.
As this creativity was developing, the founder of HWRM started wondering if he was really on the right track. Because he was breaking new ground and going outside of the status quo norm, the founder was understandably concerned. Then in God's providence about two weeks later, on the Sid Roth show where enactments are made of real life experiences that people have had in God, the founder of HWRM received a needed confirmation.
In this particular Sid Roth program a scene in heaven was enacted and to the delight of the founder, there was a whole room full of beings doing the same main heaven's praise culture movements that the Holy Spirit was developing in the future founder of HWRM. The founder never doubted he was on the right track after that confirmation he got from the Sid Roth Program.
After about one year at this church the founder of HWRM started attending worship team practice on Thursday nights and for the first year he had no real desire to go up on stage with the stage worship team, but during the first year was content with being a praise example on the front row so as to encourage people in back of him to be more alive and expressive in their worship and praise. How did he get the idea of doing that?
Well, in a previous church that I attended for more than five years I will never forget what the pastor said about one of the worship leaders in that church. He said: "The reason I picked xxxxx to be a worship leader is because when I saw him in the congregation he was so lively in his worship and the people in back of him were more lively than the people sitting in other parts of the church. So the pastor asked him to come up and lead worship before the congregation. Having the pastor ask me to come up and lead worship was not my goal.
The pastor may not have realized that once the young man who unknowingly functioned as a "within the congregation worship leader" went up on stage then no one anywhere in the congregation was lively again. I know, because I was in that church for more than five years and I never saw anyone lively anywhere in the congregation and very few raising their hands during the praise time. So the worship leader really lost his effectiveness in igniting lively worship and praise in a section of the congregation by joining the "on stage worship team".
A Fulfillment Of A Personal Prophetic Word
This worship teaching ministry that is an integrated part of the Christian church is actually a fulfillment of a word that was spoken to me by a seasoned prophetic team member. He said to me: "I just saw this really strong wisdom over your life. I just feel God is going to begin to give you revelation and downloads. Just like insight for this generation. You are going to speak like direction and insight into the lives of this generation. Your past and your experiences are going to be able to lead and guide this generation. I just want to release that upon you and encourage you with that.... to pursue those people and even those relationships... those young relationships in your life... just to continue to speak into them... and God ... he is really proud of you and I just hear him saying over you I am so proud of you... I am so proud of you and to just continue in that. Bless you." This was spoken to me by a seasoned member of the prophetic team and in fact the leader of the team.
Obtaining The Name Of This Ministry
So, I was going to start off the name of the ministry "Heavens Praise" instead of "Heaven's Worship" because worship has to do with doing God's will, presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice, and the body bowing or prostrating itself before God, while praise encompasses many different creative ways to praise the Lord for who he is and all he has done. But because "worship" is understood as "praise" in the Christian church, the founder decided to use the word worship instead in the name of the ministry.
All kinds of possibilities for a name of this ministry were going back and forth in the founder's head such as Complete Worship Ministries, Missing Elements Worship Ministries, Heaven's Total Praise Ministries, Heaven's Total Worship Ministries, Heaven's Praise Culture Ministries, Heaven's Worship Culture Ministries, and several others. Finally the founder projected a thought prayer to the Lord and asked HIM what the name should be and. immediately a thought came back to him: Heaven's Worship Restoration Ministries.
The Scriptural And Eschatological Basis Of This Ministry
I never dreamed I had an eschatological basis for this ministry ( a basis found in prophecy for the latter days ) until years after this ministry was founded. I always knew that there was a scriptural basis for this ministry because we are encouraged in the Bible to sing and dance before the Lord to show HIM our love for HIM ( Psalms 150 etc. ). But to think that after watching Johnny Enlow on the Sid Roth It's Supernatural program I would be given the keys to search and find out that this ministry has it's roots in prophecy also! It is Amazing. Wow.
The Book of Acts 3:21 clearly conveys the message that Jesus has been held in the heavens. He's retained in the heavens until (there is an until)..... until the restoration of all things spoken of by His servants, the prophets. We are living in the Kingdom Age. In this age, the church needs to learn that the king and His Kingdom and It's Culture are inseparable. The church has been deceived by an end time disabling virus which has caused "an arrested development period brought on by trying to leave the planet before we showcase the kingdom. We thought that just telling of the King was enough, but the king is inseparable from his kingdom. Seek ye first the kingdom." (Johnny Enlow - Sid Roth 8/16/2020 < Click)
What is even more important than showcasing Heaven's worship to others, is first of all pleasing the heart of God and showing HIM that the Bride of Christ ( the Church ) is now prepared for the marriage to HIS Son Jesus Christ. If the angels cry when worship is cut short and is served to people like a fast food restaurant, then how is the church ready to meet the Bride Groom at the Second Coming of Christ? The church is not, and that is why this ministry exists. It exists so that the church would become mature enough for marriage.
Click here and be taken to another web page where you can read how the restoration of full praise expression (singing and dancing) is one of the things God wants to restore during the time of the restoration of all things that we are in now. Heaven's Worship Restoration Ministries was founded to help carry out a task in these Days Of Elijah and restore full praise expression to the Body of Christ so that the Bride is made ready for the second coming of the Ultimate Groom. How can you like worship in Heaven if you don't enjoy it on earth now?
Fruits Of Showcasing Kingdom Of Heaven Worship
You must really love God.
Your worship movements are so beautiful.
I get in back of you when I am at this service.
Your worship is an inspiration to me.
You really have a gift.
You should be on the worship team.
These words above were spoken to me by a lady in a church that I was actively ministering in. When I receive this kind of feedback then I know that my ministry of showcasing Heaven's worship is bearing fruit. I also realize that the concept of having worship leaders strategically planted within the congregation to be examples of Heaven's creative worship is something that should spread to other churches so that congregations can be inspired to creatively worship also and to please God and His Son Jesus Christ who is waiting for a prepared bride.
The Goal Of This Ministry
The founder of this ministry desires to see the restoration of the active congregational spirit-filled worship that was ushered in during the Charismatic renewal. Worship in many churches has been corrupted: the congregation sits in their seats and are passively entertained by the worship band. So the founder desires to see congregational involvement improved. But that is not all, one of the main goals of this ministry is to see the same kind of worship that takes place in Heaven realized on the earth as far as possible.
Heaven's Worship Restoration Ministries wants to raise up men and women all over the world who have a passion to see God's will in worship made a reality on the earth. This ministry unlike the Jesus Culture does not exalt youth in worship ministry but embraces all ages because age in worship is a matter of the heart, and not just the physical age of the person. The founder of HWRM is over 60 years old and acts like an exuberant youth when engaged in Heaven's worship culture. He wants to be an example of Heaven's praise culture for all ages.
Heaven's praise culture also encompasses using the the whole body, soul, and spirit.....Our motto is: "The whole person for a whole worship experience". How can an obese person worship freely? If a person is so hung up on eating so they can not actualize the worship of heaven in their own body, then their God is their belly and their value system is mixed up and they should discipline themselves to lose weight so that they can be free to use their whole body in worship expression to God besides using their soul and spirit in worship.
Some More Goals Of This Ministry
It is another goal of Heaven's Worship Restoration Ministries to raise up both on stage and Off Stage Worship Leaders. The offstage leaders can be placed in the first and second rows of the churches they are a member of and be an encouragement of creative praise expression within the churches they are planted in. If people in the congregation see creative praise expression coming from the on stage worship team only then they will think the creative praise expression is only for the team. So off stage worship leaders are needed.
The goal is an increase in congregational participation in the church worship experience.
Here is a confirmation of what I just wrote in the last paragraph. In one of the churches I was ministering in recently as an agent of the restoration of worship on earth as it is in heaven, I had practiced with the worship team during the week and before the service on Sunday. In one of the songs there was a verse about dancing to the Lord. So being on the second row, I went out into the aisle to dance and I learned later that a number of people followed and were dancing in the aisle in back of me. So this ministry really works. Here is confirmation.
Another confirmation for creative praise movements being a normal part of worship came from a man of God at another church who told me that in Dean Braxton's journey to heaven he witnessed beings in heaven doing all kinds of creative things with their body while praising the Lord. He communicated that creative praise movements were just as normal in heaven as creative songs to the Lord were. Dean Braxton's book confirms this insight also. I found this out only after I had been doing creative praise movements.
Some may object to this by saying: where in the Bible can you back up these creative praise movements? You can reply: In the Gospel Of John Jesus is recorded to say that so many things were done by him that not all could be recorded. So the Bible has not recorded everything the Holy Spirit has done or intends to do upon the earth.... Bringing the creative praise culture of heaven to earth is one of them. Creative praise movements with the body are important in heaven and because of that they should be important on earth also.
So it is the goal of Heaven's Worship Restoration Ministries to bring the worship and praise culture of Heaven to earth and raise up many worshipers who would be agents of worship restoration in their own churches and in churches within traveling distances from their home. This will result in an increase of congregational participation which is a main goal.
Encourage the pastor and the worship leaders to place the songs on the church website. The songs can be downloaded right from the church website and then practiced by people on their computers in their homes. Praise God for YouTube! Or, you can post just the song title and the main group that sings the song or main author of the song next to the song title and the congregation can copy and paste this into YouTube so the practice video comes up.
You will learn on another page on this website (click on red) how to carry out this ministry that is a ministry without borders and without human barriers if you follow our instructions and the leading of the Holy Spirit.