Throne Room Worship In Heaven - Dean Braxton Tells What He Saw
Dean Braxton died and went to heaven for a period of time. His death has been verified by medical authorities. After he spent some time in heaven experiencing the supernatural realities there, he came back to earth and has dedicated his life to telling all that he saw. Below is an account given by Dean Braxton taken from a video I am keeping secret. Enjoy, and be sure and order the book Dean wrote on heaven where he goes into much more detail.
Dean said: ".....all of a sudden it got quiet in Heaven. Everything got quiet. Not like quiet around here when we think it's quiet. It was QUIET. There was no sound at all. I didn't know what was going on at first, and then I saw this being.... this angel rise up. This being looked like a women. It wasn't a woman, but it looked like a woman, and it rose up off it's knees. And as it got to the point of standing, it raised its hands like this (Dean Braxton demonstrates: arms extended out and up about level with the head, and palms facing up), it opened it's mouth and music started coming out.
I could hear trumpets. I could hear violins. I could hear harps. I could hear all this music coming out of this being's mouth. And it seemed like it had one note, and another note on top of that. And then it stopped and it let out some more notes down at the bottom two more, and then it went back and let out three more up here and three more down here and all of a sudden it was four more up here and four more down here. And it went back and forth like that for a time.
And the music you could still hear it as it was coming out of the mouth of this being. As I said: I didn't know what was going on, and then all of a sudden I experienced it, and I knew what was going on. This being was calling all of heaven to praise. And everything in heaven was stopping and coming to the throne. And literally kneeling before the FATHER.
After this being got done singing like it was singing, and it was more beautiful than you could ever imagine. I remember being on this planet and thinking to myself: I wish I could grab that music. But nothing here on this planet has yet sounded like what I heard. But after this being was done it went down. It got back down on it's knees. And all of a sudden on this side of the throne, on the right side of the throne, this multitude rose up and started singing.
And they were singing. They were giving praise to the father. After they finished, another multitude rose up and they started singing on the left side. And after they were done, all of a sudden individuals would stand up, and start singing to the Father. All of a sudden I saw more individuals standing up. The music did not clash. It did not compete with each other. It wasn't harmony. It was something else. But it was beautiful.
All of a sudden I saw the sea before the throne rise up, and as each being was singing, a note would come out, and I knew that note had substance to it. And the sea would rise up and wrap itself around the notes, and the notes literally would become different sounds. It was like it was playing the notes as it was praising the Lord. I saw the colors coming from the FATHER and as they would come, the notes would go back up to the FATHER and as the notes were going up the colors would dance with the notes as they would go back to the Father. Everything is alive. There's nothing dead. Everything is alive.
As I saw those beings praising the Lord and the water praising the Lord, all of a sudden in motions like loops and streamers, just going all around and around, just giving praise to the Father. I saw a group of beings dancing. They were using everything they were created
(with) to give praise to the Father. The atmosphere started thundering like because it was giving praise to the Father. As I was watching all of this I was singing. I was singing. What was coming out of me was sounds too: musical instruments. I was singing to the Lord and I was telling Him how much I loved him.
I remember looking above the Father and seeing this glory like a cloud. And as I looked at it all of a sudden it was like the glory was giving glory to God. I don't know how much more I could explain of what was going on, but everything in heaven was looking at and was giving praise to the Father. And all of a sudden the Father opened up His mouth, and He started singing. When He started singing, you knew it was love. I saw those notes coming
from him that were alive.
And it was nothing that could stop them from reaching the one He was singing to. I can remember the notes coming to me, and they were love. And He was telling me how much He loved much I was important to Him. How I was His son and that no one could take me from Him. This was the worship that was going on. The Father was singing back in the worship.
I really believe that there are times when we praise Him on this planet, on this earth, and all of a sudden He sings back to us. And that's what we really experience, him singing back to us a love song. This went on for a while. How long, I couldn't tell you, but it went on for a while. All of a sudden it died down and I was looking at Jesus again. I was focusing on him once more. But this time I noticed something. He was standing to the left of me and I was on my hands and knees before him and on the other side of him was my family........." (end of quote)
The above account are the exact words of Dean Braxton transcribed by the editor of this website from a video that shall remain a secret. But you can be assured that when you order the book IN HEAVEN from Dean Braxton, you will get much more detailed descriptions of throne room worship in Heaven than what is given in the transcribed text you just read. So order the book here and I know you will enjoy it as much as I did if Heaven is in your heart.
In Heaven worship to the Father is very creative. Each worship service has it's own creativity and unique glory. Read about another very wild and expressive worship service in Heaven by clicking here. Kat Kerr has been to Heaven many times and she describes it for you.