The Fruits & Benefits Of Extended Praise & Worship
First of all, the example of extended worship is both confirmed in the Scriptures of the Holy Bible, and is also confirmed in Heaven. As you read this whole page, and also the page about praying for 24 hour worship centers, you will see the importance of extended worship, and how the examples of protection and victory from the Holy Bible prove the value to God and to HIS people of having extended and sustained worship taking place.
Secondly, there is a church in Redding, California that has four to five hour worship services on Friday nights, and as of the year 2016 a Shekhinah glory gold dust cloud has become manifested during a total of 26 different Friday night worship and praise services. As I update this in 2024, I imagine there have been many many more. Healing and deliverance of people gathered can also happen, and does happen during extended praise and worship. At the bottom of this page you can read about what can happen during extended worship times.
Thirdly, I was telling a couple about Bethel Church in Redding, California and how God has showed up in a very tangible way that does not take place in most churches. I told them that very few churches are willing to pay the price of having long extended worship services that please the heart of God. As I was speaking this message to them, the Spirit of God rose up within me with a strong manifestation of power that had nothing to do with my emotions. I could feel the power. My eyes became like saucers as I was so surprised by this power of the Holy Spirit inside of me giving me confirmation of the message I was speaking to this couple. So, God confirmed his message through me with signs of HIS power following.
Fourthly, the other day I was telling a group of people about what I just shared with you in the last paragraph above, and added the truth, that it tickles the heart of God to have long praise and worship services. After I shared the story with them, I got what is called in some Pentecostal and Charismatic circles as HOLY LAUGHTER. This laughter was also a kind of gift from God to me after giving this message to the group and it was also a sign following what I shared that indicated God was pleased, and so my heart was tickled with laughter.
So why is extended praise and worship so important? First of all, the longest extended praise service that is taking place right now has been going on continuously in heaven from before time began. Do you think we are honoring God, and obeying the prayer of Jesus: "ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN" when we just allow for twenty minutes of praise and worship on Sunday morning? That kind of worship time I call McDonald's fast food worship. Why don't more churches have at least one or two worship services each month set aside for at least three to five hours of pure worship? Bethel Church in Redding does this every Friday.
I long for three hours of praise time before a twenty minute sermon. But realistically, an hour and a half praise time before a half hour sermon is not too much is it? How much time do you spend watching football or TV in general on Sundays? Why not give God more praise and worship time during our church time! Why bring the McDonald's fast food mentality into the worship and praise time on Sunday morning? It is an abomination before God.
On a "frequently asked questions" page of a "faith church" website, this question and answer appears. Question: "How long are your services?" Answer: "We respect your time so our services last approximately 90 minutes and start promptly at the given service time." So what this amounts to is approx. ten minutes for announcements, thirty minutes for worship, and fifty minutes for the sermon. Come on now, is that amount of time allotted for worship and praise really respecting God's time?
In the days of King David, he established a tabernacle that had singers and musicians who ministered to the Lord day and night. Therefore, how much more glorious and prolonged in these post-Pentecost days should the length of the praise services and also the singing and praise creativity be that the Lord inspires in his New Covenant spirit-filled saints! Many visits to heaven by a number of people have confirmed praise creativity going on in Heaven. So does thirty minutes really honor and respect the Lord's time on Sunday morning? If David had twenty four hours a day and seven days a week worship services why should we be so far apart from that standard set by King David?
On the Sid Roth show in an interview with a man who actually had a conversation with an angel, it was reported that the angel told this man being interviewed that the angels cry when worship is cut short. Does that mean that God cries also when we cut short our worship to twenty or thirty minutes? I do not think so because God is so full of mercy and radiates tons of forgiveness toward his people who lack knowledge!
But why not give the angels cause to rejoice instead of making them cry? Why not give God something to rejoice about also instead of depending on his mercy and forgiveness for the short McDonald's type worship services that most churches serve up to God and their congregation in a styrofoam carton of twenty minutes each week? Why not please God even more by having a praise and worship time of sixty to ninety minutes or even more time?
When Israel had twenty four hour, and seven days a week praise and worship going forth from her midst, the benefits to the nation were peace, prosperity, provision, and victory over her enemies. These fruits and benefits of extended worship and praise can result in the embracing of 24/7 worship centers, or special Friday night church worship services. You can read about it in detail by clicking here. After clicking on and reading that whole page from top to bottom, please return to this page you are now reading and continue reading below.
But what about our Sunday morning worship times? How long is enough to please and honor God? How long is enough time of praise and worship to cause the angels to rejoice instead of making the angels cry by worship that is cut too short? The New Testament does not clearly inform us, but let us look at some real life experiences of a worshiping congregation that has successfully maintained revival in its midst to ascertain how much is enough.
Let us look at more fruits of extended praise and worship by looking at a congregation called Bethel Church in Redding, California which regularly has long extended praise and worship services. This writer (founder of Heaven's Worship Restoration Ministries) is not a member of this church, but developed this creative praise expression ministry within a church that was connected with Bethel Church and was a part of the Global Legacy group of churches.
One of the fruits of extended worship is the Glory Cloud that can appear during the worship service. The cloud appears after there is a strong presence of the Spirit of God created through a long time of passionate praise and worship. The Glory Cloud consists of gold dust particles that appear mid air throughout the sanctuary and float on the breeze. You can see the Glory Cloud on this video -
The person who filmed it said: "It was a blessing for me to capture it... actually I was in the church just ready to put my camera away.. and the Holy Spirit told me to go right in a certain spot because He is about to do something... the cameras from iBethel TV media department were closed... so I was the only one with an HD camera... so I had my camera ready and went to the place Holy Spirit told me.. and so I captured it... praise to Him !!! it blew my mind." Another person has this to say: ..... It started raining gold dust at 12:00 A.M. so they must have been there for five hours..... - On this You Tube video Bill Johnson shows a clip of a Friday night service where the glory cloud was billowing up and he said this happened about three times late from about 11:30 P.M. to 12:15 A.M. and there was such intense worship and child like wonder going on from the people gathered there. Thank you Bill Johnson for being obedient to God in creating an atmosphere of valuing the presence of God with extended praise and worship services. His church is one of the few in this world who has these kind of worship services because of a congregation that is hungry.
So if a service starts at seven o'clock and there is an hour and a half of sermon and testimonies. Then this glory cloud manifestation must have started taking place after about three hours of worship.... Do the math yourself and you will come to the same conclusion. But I am not sure if they even have a sermon on Friday nights at Bethel Church. It may be all devoted to worship and praise. So what is so significant about the glory cloud? Well, the real significance is God's manifested glory that is in the cloud, and the glory is a heightened presence of the Spirit of the Living God.
Worship leader Steve Swanson had an encounter with Heaven singing along with him during one of his music devotionals. Since that encounter with the angelic voices of Heaven singing along with him, the supernatural realm of God really started to open up during his worship services. At times the piano would play by itself, Steve says "people get healed, people have visions, and the more you start singing about that and the more you declare what is going on, it gets bigger, what you are focusing on is being empowered by your words" replied Steve Swanson. Sid Roth asked: What are some of the things that happen when the glory is released?
Steve replied: "The Glory is a realm of the ease of the Spirit. It is a wave that we all get into this place where God is manifested in his beauty and in his power and majesty. That is the glory of God. The glory is God and God is the glory. When he reveals himself people get healed and people get delivered, people get set free from bondages... It is the glory that creates that atmosphere where everything can change for us as we worship him and that exchange comes from heaven."
In the glory you do not have to lay hands on people or pray for people...they just get healed..... people get healed from arthritis in worship and blind eyes can be healed, metal knees and joints can disappear within bodies during high praise. God is doing it and HE gets all the glory. These healings are not touched by man's hand, It is all God, and so HE gets all of the credit for it. The above quotes, and thoughts, and this report came because of what worship leader Steve Swanson shared when he was being interviewed in 2015 by Sid Roth on the show It's Supernatural. Start at 14 minutes and listen until the end:
Secondly, there is a church in Redding, California that has four to five hour worship services on Friday nights, and as of the year 2016 a Shekhinah glory gold dust cloud has become manifested during a total of 26 different Friday night worship and praise services. As I update this in 2024, I imagine there have been many many more. Healing and deliverance of people gathered can also happen, and does happen during extended praise and worship. At the bottom of this page you can read about what can happen during extended worship times.
Thirdly, I was telling a couple about Bethel Church in Redding, California and how God has showed up in a very tangible way that does not take place in most churches. I told them that very few churches are willing to pay the price of having long extended worship services that please the heart of God. As I was speaking this message to them, the Spirit of God rose up within me with a strong manifestation of power that had nothing to do with my emotions. I could feel the power. My eyes became like saucers as I was so surprised by this power of the Holy Spirit inside of me giving me confirmation of the message I was speaking to this couple. So, God confirmed his message through me with signs of HIS power following.
Fourthly, the other day I was telling a group of people about what I just shared with you in the last paragraph above, and added the truth, that it tickles the heart of God to have long praise and worship services. After I shared the story with them, I got what is called in some Pentecostal and Charismatic circles as HOLY LAUGHTER. This laughter was also a kind of gift from God to me after giving this message to the group and it was also a sign following what I shared that indicated God was pleased, and so my heart was tickled with laughter.
So why is extended praise and worship so important? First of all, the longest extended praise service that is taking place right now has been going on continuously in heaven from before time began. Do you think we are honoring God, and obeying the prayer of Jesus: "ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN" when we just allow for twenty minutes of praise and worship on Sunday morning? That kind of worship time I call McDonald's fast food worship. Why don't more churches have at least one or two worship services each month set aside for at least three to five hours of pure worship? Bethel Church in Redding does this every Friday.
I long for three hours of praise time before a twenty minute sermon. But realistically, an hour and a half praise time before a half hour sermon is not too much is it? How much time do you spend watching football or TV in general on Sundays? Why not give God more praise and worship time during our church time! Why bring the McDonald's fast food mentality into the worship and praise time on Sunday morning? It is an abomination before God.
On a "frequently asked questions" page of a "faith church" website, this question and answer appears. Question: "How long are your services?" Answer: "We respect your time so our services last approximately 90 minutes and start promptly at the given service time." So what this amounts to is approx. ten minutes for announcements, thirty minutes for worship, and fifty minutes for the sermon. Come on now, is that amount of time allotted for worship and praise really respecting God's time?
In the days of King David, he established a tabernacle that had singers and musicians who ministered to the Lord day and night. Therefore, how much more glorious and prolonged in these post-Pentecost days should the length of the praise services and also the singing and praise creativity be that the Lord inspires in his New Covenant spirit-filled saints! Many visits to heaven by a number of people have confirmed praise creativity going on in Heaven. So does thirty minutes really honor and respect the Lord's time on Sunday morning? If David had twenty four hours a day and seven days a week worship services why should we be so far apart from that standard set by King David?
On the Sid Roth show in an interview with a man who actually had a conversation with an angel, it was reported that the angel told this man being interviewed that the angels cry when worship is cut short. Does that mean that God cries also when we cut short our worship to twenty or thirty minutes? I do not think so because God is so full of mercy and radiates tons of forgiveness toward his people who lack knowledge!
But why not give the angels cause to rejoice instead of making them cry? Why not give God something to rejoice about also instead of depending on his mercy and forgiveness for the short McDonald's type worship services that most churches serve up to God and their congregation in a styrofoam carton of twenty minutes each week? Why not please God even more by having a praise and worship time of sixty to ninety minutes or even more time?
When Israel had twenty four hour, and seven days a week praise and worship going forth from her midst, the benefits to the nation were peace, prosperity, provision, and victory over her enemies. These fruits and benefits of extended worship and praise can result in the embracing of 24/7 worship centers, or special Friday night church worship services. You can read about it in detail by clicking here. After clicking on and reading that whole page from top to bottom, please return to this page you are now reading and continue reading below.
But what about our Sunday morning worship times? How long is enough to please and honor God? How long is enough time of praise and worship to cause the angels to rejoice instead of making the angels cry by worship that is cut too short? The New Testament does not clearly inform us, but let us look at some real life experiences of a worshiping congregation that has successfully maintained revival in its midst to ascertain how much is enough.
Let us look at more fruits of extended praise and worship by looking at a congregation called Bethel Church in Redding, California which regularly has long extended praise and worship services. This writer (founder of Heaven's Worship Restoration Ministries) is not a member of this church, but developed this creative praise expression ministry within a church that was connected with Bethel Church and was a part of the Global Legacy group of churches.
One of the fruits of extended worship is the Glory Cloud that can appear during the worship service. The cloud appears after there is a strong presence of the Spirit of God created through a long time of passionate praise and worship. The Glory Cloud consists of gold dust particles that appear mid air throughout the sanctuary and float on the breeze. You can see the Glory Cloud on this video -
The person who filmed it said: "It was a blessing for me to capture it... actually I was in the church just ready to put my camera away.. and the Holy Spirit told me to go right in a certain spot because He is about to do something... the cameras from iBethel TV media department were closed... so I was the only one with an HD camera... so I had my camera ready and went to the place Holy Spirit told me.. and so I captured it... praise to Him !!! it blew my mind." Another person has this to say: ..... It started raining gold dust at 12:00 A.M. so they must have been there for five hours..... - On this You Tube video Bill Johnson shows a clip of a Friday night service where the glory cloud was billowing up and he said this happened about three times late from about 11:30 P.M. to 12:15 A.M. and there was such intense worship and child like wonder going on from the people gathered there. Thank you Bill Johnson for being obedient to God in creating an atmosphere of valuing the presence of God with extended praise and worship services. His church is one of the few in this world who has these kind of worship services because of a congregation that is hungry.
So if a service starts at seven o'clock and there is an hour and a half of sermon and testimonies. Then this glory cloud manifestation must have started taking place after about three hours of worship.... Do the math yourself and you will come to the same conclusion. But I am not sure if they even have a sermon on Friday nights at Bethel Church. It may be all devoted to worship and praise. So what is so significant about the glory cloud? Well, the real significance is God's manifested glory that is in the cloud, and the glory is a heightened presence of the Spirit of the Living God.
Worship leader Steve Swanson had an encounter with Heaven singing along with him during one of his music devotionals. Since that encounter with the angelic voices of Heaven singing along with him, the supernatural realm of God really started to open up during his worship services. At times the piano would play by itself, Steve says "people get healed, people have visions, and the more you start singing about that and the more you declare what is going on, it gets bigger, what you are focusing on is being empowered by your words" replied Steve Swanson. Sid Roth asked: What are some of the things that happen when the glory is released?
Steve replied: "The Glory is a realm of the ease of the Spirit. It is a wave that we all get into this place where God is manifested in his beauty and in his power and majesty. That is the glory of God. The glory is God and God is the glory. When he reveals himself people get healed and people get delivered, people get set free from bondages... It is the glory that creates that atmosphere where everything can change for us as we worship him and that exchange comes from heaven."
In the glory you do not have to lay hands on people or pray for people...they just get healed..... people get healed from arthritis in worship and blind eyes can be healed, metal knees and joints can disappear within bodies during high praise. God is doing it and HE gets all the glory. These healings are not touched by man's hand, It is all God, and so HE gets all of the credit for it. The above quotes, and thoughts, and this report came because of what worship leader Steve Swanson shared when he was being interviewed in 2015 by Sid Roth on the show It's Supernatural. Start at 14 minutes and listen until the end: