Christian Meditation Music, Healing Prayer, Miracle Frequencies
Christian meditation music can be used effectively during sozo prayer soaking sessions or in Healing Prayer Rooms Ministry in the healing presence of the Lord. This music can be soft and gentle already recorded Christian meditation music or soft and gentle Christian worship music or this music can be created live using a violin or a handpan instrument.
The handpan instrument is a relatively new instrument in the arsenal of healing musical instruments. It was created during the year 2000 in Switzerland, and there it is called by it's original name the Hang, but the more common term developed is the "handpan".
The frequencies generated from this instrument are very healing for the mind and emotions. This will become evident if you listen to this instrument on Youtube and try different videos. When you find one you especially like, you will experience the soothing and relaxing nature of this music, therefore, this is ideal music to be used during Sozo healing sessions.
But be sure you use a handpan that is set at 432Hz because this is the frequency that God has designed as a healing frequency. It seems that most HandPan makers are now either willing, or able to tune their instruments to 432Hz. This is heaven's healing frequency and is confirmed by the fact: 432 Hz corresponds to the harmonic ratio of natural body rhythms.
To see that 432Hz is one of Heaven's powerful frequencies (528Hz is another one) please study the following interesting website: and also: study conversation between Brian and co-designer of the CymaScope™ here: and if you scroll down and read about the findings of the CymaScope™ you can see that the Triune God is truly involved in this frequency. It is amazing !!!
The greatest musicians, such as Mozart and Verdi, based their music on the natural vibration of A=432. It’s true that it is only 8 vibrations per second different from the standard tuning, but this small difference seems to make a healing world of difference. The note A is also the note that the throne room worship in Heaven uses to tune up to according to Dean Braxton who went to heaven and discovered this. Read his book about his trip to heaven and back.
Like most handpans, no musical theory is required before it is played . This is because each instrument is like a folk instrument with a particular scale. Although scales vary greatly, there are few if any “wrong” notes or combinations of notes given the complexity of a specific scale. For these reasons, the handpan can be played from a more spiritual inspiration that is free of the mind so that the Holy Spirit guides you into beautiful musical creations.
Remember, David played on his harp and an evil spirit left Saul. It says: "And whenever the tormenting spirit from God troubled Saul, David would play the harp. Then Saul would feel better, and the tormenting spirit would go away." (1st Samuel 16:23 - New Living Translation)
I believe it was the healing frequency that God placed within healing music that drove out that evil spirit. This is a confirmation that music can be used alongside prayer in Sozo healing prayer sessions for doubly powerful healing sessions.
God's natural healing from the frequencies in Christian meditation music using the handpan or some other soothing and healing instrument or instruments combined with God's supernatural through healing sozo prayer or Healing Prayer Rooms Ministry is always the most powerful healing strategy that there is. God's natural is to be used synergistically with God's supernatural for a powerful healing combination approach.
As briefly mentioned above, the 528 hertz frequency is another healing frequency that God designed to produce miracles. It has even been called the DNA repair miracle frequency.
Another natural healing instrument that uses frequencies to heal is found in the very unique instrument ( not musical instrument ) ....... to be continued.
May God's healing by upon you all.