Restoration Of The New Testament Church As A Free Church
If you are going to worship in Spirit and in Truth, it is important that your church is under the authority of the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ only. In the text below you will see why this is important. It can make all the difference in the world and can help your church stay free in order to keep worshiping in Spirit and in Truth as a congregation that is not locked up in their homes.
The following is being posted by permission of it's author. The following post was first posted on a private Christian blog. I have removed some words and replaced them with xxxxxxxxx in order to avoid having this whole website taken down. I think you understand. The words of that person begin after the quotation mark you see below.
What I am about to bring to you, will not be liked by many people here. But the true prophets and the messages they brought were not liked by many people either. But I have to tell you the truth about something that has been a long standing deception in the Christian world.
You all witnessed the XXXXX and XXX deceptions and how many could believe a falsehood. You saw Franklin Graham tell millions of people to get the XXX. He was deceived and led many into the XXX deception. God forgive him !!! But he is an illustration that Christians can be deceived also.
Who was responsible for the 501(c)(3) deception in the Pentecostal Church world? The Assembly of God was a big pusher of the 501 deception just like Franklin Graham was a pusher of the XXX deception in the conservative Christian world and probably affected Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians somewhat also.
The big deception in the church for years has been the 501(c)(3) State Church deception. Pastors have been told the lie that they have to obey the laws of the govt. and have their church be a 501(c)(3) or they are doing wrong, and not obeying the governing authorities. These are lies and deceptions.
The truth is: When you organize your church under a man made statutory structure, you are giving up the Lordship of the church to the state, and removing it from the Lordship of Jesus Christ. If you go to court over the lock downs there is some chance of you winning your case if you are a real church, and not a 508(c)(1)(A) Church or Ministry or a 501(c)(3) Church or Ministry.
If the Judge asks your pastor in court if his church is one of these statutory organizations and the pastor says YES, then the Judge can tell your pastor that he has no argument to stand on as his church is a creature of the state. Such court cases that are somewhat similar have happened to pastors already in the past.
The First Amendment to the Constitution says Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF. So those statutory organizations like a 508(c)(1)(A) Church or Ministry or a 501(c)(3) Church or Ministry are made up of a bundle of laws that are in reality unconstitutional laws. They go against the First Amendment to the Constitution. They will give the state ultimate control over your church so you are not free and your church can not resist the mandates and lock downs.
So how do you renounce your 501(c)(3) etc. and get your church set up correctly so that you have something to stand on if you are told to lock down as a church in the coming months or years? The following sources have the best methods and can guide the way for you. These sources can tell you how to renounce your present enslaving structure and become a New Testament Church that is free to now be under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and not under the Lordship of your state because no law should be made respecting an establishment of religion according to the First Amendment to the Constitution.
1. If your church is going to operate in cash, and the property of your church is going to be just real estate, and the church building, then the Ecclesiastical Law Center is going to be your best source of help for that:
In 2004, after nearly 8 years of research, the Law Center published the book APPROVED BY GOD: A Case for Modern Disestablishment. The book covers the scriptural, historical, legal and practical aspects of the Lordship church position.
In 2009, the Law Center published their second book APPROVED BY MAN: A Case for Biblical Reasonableness.
There are tips in these books mentioned above, books that can be ordered on Amazon, that will show you how to title the property of your church after you go through your transition from a state controlled church to a church under God. After reading those books you can contact the Law Center, and they can help, if you still need help.
Robin Wright recommends that you do this: "You recognize in the property deed that Jesus Christ is the true and beneficial owner of the property which has been purchased with his money. The property that was bought with his money needs to bear his name showing he is the true and literal owner of the property. It is on that basis that we establish our property tax situation saying that this is God's property, you have no right to tax it." Here is excellent teaching: start at 1:04 and keep listening
2. If your church or ministry is going to venture into more risky territory and hold money in stocks and other things that may be traded in an account that can be accessed online or over the phone, then consider these two sources below also:
So if you want an education pertaining to setting up a church under the authority of the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ alone, please read the many pages that Jerald Finney has written for you, and order the books on Amazon that were written by Townsend and Wright, or pay more money and order what has available for you. Please do your own due diligence and order what you need.
Here is a letter from a government official confirming that churches/ministries do not have to become 501-c-3 organizations. Very important to read this if you want to know the truth:
Update: I got a prophetic confirmation that what I posted above is a vital message for the church today. Below you can read the words of this prophetic confirmation that is found here on this site:
Purging the Temple
The Spirit of God says, "The 501c3, the 501c3, those that are eating of it are not
eating from my tree! For when I told Adam and Eve do not eat from the Tree of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil for you shall surely see, so it is with those that eat from the
501c3. For this demonic document that you have signed has now made you spiritually
deaf, mute, and blind. Woe to those who continue to use this demonic system for you
will be exposed and purged from this evil cistern."
The Spirit of God says, "Can you not see that you are taking a bribe? They will say
it's all about the money, and for that you shall be kicked from my tribe! Taking a bite
from that apple has taken you from a spiritual body to a brick and mortar, and has
placed you under the New World Order. For how can you be a part of my spiritual body
when you have cut off my head? For those that don't turn will surely fall as dead. Tear
up the contract, repent, divorce Baal, and re-marry me, and l will remove the spiritual
blindness so you can once again see. Come out of this! Come out of this before it's too
tate, for my judgments are on those systems that I hate. Come out now for I will no
longer tolerate!"
Disclaimer: I am not a church advisor or a legal advisor. Anything I write is in my opinion only, and for your educational entertainment only, and run run run from anything written that appears to be a real true blue recommendation from me. All strategies have risk. Please seek out competent help and instruction before you do anything. "
.... end of text from person who posted this on a private Christian blog and wanted me to post it on this website. These are not my recommendations, but they are his suggestions.