How To Enjoy Worship During A Pandemic Like Coronavirus And Covid-19
The Coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic created a difficult situation for people in some states or countries which prohibited close contact in churches and even singing which was looked upon as a way to potentially spew out viruses into the air. Therefore, many people no longer were participating in corporate praise and also enjoying the music facilitated by the church worship team.
I heard Gordon Robertson talking with someone on the 700 Club and Gordon said that one thing he really misses during this time of church pandemic shutdown is corporate worship. He asked the person he was talking with about how to remedy that situation. The answer given was not very good, so that is why this page is being written now. Here is the answer for Gordon Robertson who is an excellent 700 Club talk show host.
Gordon, I understand where you are coming from. The reason you asked your question is because on these Sundays when you are home with the TV on, you can listen to many sermons, but there is no corporate praise available to take part in while at home on Sunday morning. This important part of the church service experience is missing and you feel it. Your spirit yearns for the regular worship experience that you had in church before the pandemic.
Here is where Big Tech becomes our friend. You can go to your local electronics store and pick up a device that allows you to connect with YouTube on your Television set. Having a YouTube connection allows you to bring up worship videos with the same worship songs that you are used to singing in church.
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)