Worship Unites A Divided Christendom
Worship can unite Christians who do not see eye to eye on certain non-essential theological issues, but see eye to eye on the essentials such as Jesus being our savior and the Holy Spirit being the bestower and empowerer of God's gifts of grace. I say worship has the potential to unite. That is more true than saying that it always will. But it really should.
In my own experience, out of the several churches I have ministered in most recently, the church which holds to some theological positions that I know are wrong, has made me feel valued, loved, and respected more than the other two churches which also have some errors in their theology. Because no church is perfect, I would tend to choose a church which makes a person feel more valued, loved, and respected than the other two churches do.
I can unite myself with all these churches during the worship and praise time, because I know they all hold to the essentials of the Christian faith. The presence of the Lord that is experienced during the worship and praise time is the same presence of the Lord that is felt in all of these churches. Hallelujah for the presence of the Holy Spirit who cuts across all theological lines when the people gathered for worship and praise have hearts like David that are after God's own heart.
Let us now look at a confirmation of my message given above. I love it when others confirm.
Ivan Roman's message shared below is from this: http://www.northwestprophetic.com
"I asked the Lord how we as a body were to come into alignment with His heart?
I quickly heard the word, “worship.”
Worship will cause us to take our eyes off ourselves and put them on Jesus. Worshiping the Lord has the power to cause people to unite like nothing else I have personally ever seen. Independence no longer becomes an issue in the Presence of the Lord.
I want to encourage pastors and leaders to begin to host worship gatherings where the priority is Christ being glorified with no other agenda. Times of worship where not only the local church gather but other churches in the region are invited to gather as well.
Regional worship gatherings will begin to form a war ship where the spirit of heaviness and apathy will be displaced.
It's time to awaken those that are sleeping spiritually and awaken to our inheritance as a state.
This is why it is said:
'Wake up, sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.'
Ephesians 5:14" (unquote)
Ivan Roman, Friend of God Ministries
Read on this page how worship is uniting white and black Christians. Hallelujah!
In my own experience, out of the several churches I have ministered in most recently, the church which holds to some theological positions that I know are wrong, has made me feel valued, loved, and respected more than the other two churches which also have some errors in their theology. Because no church is perfect, I would tend to choose a church which makes a person feel more valued, loved, and respected than the other two churches do.
I can unite myself with all these churches during the worship and praise time, because I know they all hold to the essentials of the Christian faith. The presence of the Lord that is experienced during the worship and praise time is the same presence of the Lord that is felt in all of these churches. Hallelujah for the presence of the Holy Spirit who cuts across all theological lines when the people gathered for worship and praise have hearts like David that are after God's own heart.
Let us now look at a confirmation of my message given above. I love it when others confirm.
Ivan Roman's message shared below is from this: http://www.northwestprophetic.com
"I asked the Lord how we as a body were to come into alignment with His heart?
I quickly heard the word, “worship.”
Worship will cause us to take our eyes off ourselves and put them on Jesus. Worshiping the Lord has the power to cause people to unite like nothing else I have personally ever seen. Independence no longer becomes an issue in the Presence of the Lord.
I want to encourage pastors and leaders to begin to host worship gatherings where the priority is Christ being glorified with no other agenda. Times of worship where not only the local church gather but other churches in the region are invited to gather as well.
Regional worship gatherings will begin to form a war ship where the spirit of heaviness and apathy will be displaced.
It's time to awaken those that are sleeping spiritually and awaken to our inheritance as a state.
This is why it is said:
'Wake up, sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.'
Ephesians 5:14" (unquote)
Ivan Roman, Friend of God Ministries
Read on this page how worship is uniting white and black Christians. Hallelujah!